Aconcagua Mountaineering Expedition - Normal Route - AdventureTripr
Tents at sunset on Aconcagua
Tent at a campsite along the Northwest Ridge climbing route on Aconcagua
Climber on Aconcagua
Climbers making their way up Aconcagua in the Argentine Andes
Climbers going up a steep slope on the way up to the summit of Aconcagua


Aconcagua Mountaineering Expedition - Normal Route

duration: 21 days

difficulty: Strenuous

group size: 6

experience: Intermediate


This guid­ed climb­ing expe­di­tion to Aconcagua offers a great way to expe­ri­ence the spec­tac­u­lar Andes of Argenti­na and reach one of the Sev­en Sum­mits. This expe­di­tion is a great step­ping stone for the world’s high­est peaks, like Mount Ever­est, and a great intro­duc­tion to full blown expe­di­tionary climb­ing.  


You will climb via the Nor­mal Route along the North­west Ridge, which is a non-tech­ni­cal, yet phys­i­cal­ly demand­ing climb that incor­po­rates all the logis­tics of climb­ing a big moun­tain. All of the equip­ment is car­ried to base camp by mules. You guides will fol­low the phi­los­o­phy of climb high and sleep low as they estab­lish a series of high­er camps while ascend­ing Aconcagua.  


This route begins at Plaza de Mulas, a vibrant base camp at the head of the Hor­cones Val­ley and uti­lizes three high­er camps to gain the sum­mit. You climb expe­di­tion style by accli­ma­tiz­ing while stock­ing camps before the final sum­mit attempts. The guides have also built in numer­ous inclement weath­er days to the sched­ule to allow more time to attempt the sum­mit climb. These fac­tors enable prop­er acclima­ti­za­tion and great­ly increase our chances for success.  


There is an option for porter sup­port to all camps. This enables you to car­ry only the items need­ed dur­ing the day and will increase your chances of success.  

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Day 1: Travel to Mendoza

Depart home for Men­doza, Argentina.  

Image Gallery

Tents at sunset on Aconcagua
Tent at a campsite along the Northwest Ridge climbing route on Aconcagua
Climber on Aconcagua
Climbers making their way up Aconcagua in the Argentine Andes
Climbers going up a steep slope on the way up to the summit of Aconcagua




Guide fees
Luggage transfers
Some meals


Alcoholic beverages
Travel insurance
Personal gear
International flights
Domestic flights

Do not forget to arrange for the requisite passport, visa and travel insurance, if you are booking an international trip.

We try our best to ensure accurate and up-to-date guide information, but in some cases this may change due to emergencies or other unforeseen guide scheduling challenges. In any case, another highly-rated, certified guide with similar experience would lead your trip and you will be kept informed of any such case.

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* You will receive a full refund minus $100 cancellation fee. For our full cancellation policy, see our Terms & Conditions


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