A parent’s guide to going on holiday with an infant - AdventureTriprrr

A parent’s guide to going on holiday with an infant

Guest Writer: Claire Lewis · May 26, 2023
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Taking an infant on an outdoor holiday can be an extremely rewarding experience. Not only does it provide unique opportunities to make new memories and strengthen family bonds, but the benefits of travel also help to broaden their horizons and gain a deeper appreciation for the world around them. 

However, these magical experiences don’t happen overnight – they require lots of planning and forethought. In order to keep everyone in your travelling party safe and entertained, here are four top tips to remember next time you plan an outdoor break with your tiny travelling companion.

Research, research, research 

There is a lot to be said about heading on a spontaneous adventure and winging your way through the itinerary on an adults-only escape. But conventional wisdom suggests this perhaps isn't the best course of action when it comes to holidaying with an infant.

Preparing for this type of vacation requires more thought and extra consideration than if you were travelling alone or with another adult. Not only are you responsible for another person, you will want to ensure that they get the maximum benefit from the time away, which means you need to plan an itinerary and accommodation with them in mind. Finding the right accommodation is key to the success of any vacation, but it’s especially important when you’re with an infant, so allow yourself enough time to research the options.

Convenience is key 

Often when travelling alone or with a partner, it can be tempting to cut a few corners to save money. For instance, instead of calling a taxi you may be prepared to wait a little longer to use public transport, or you may forgo expensive baggage costs and push the boundaries of what you can fit into your hand luggage.

However, when travelling with an infant in tow, you will typically want to favour comfort and convenience over cost. Where possible, allow your vacation budget to stretch a little further to accommodate for these extra luxuries that will make your life easier, and reduce the stress for you and your baby. 

Lists are your best friend 

Even if you’re not the sort of person who prefers to structure their day-to-day lives by working through a list, they can be incredibly useful when it comes to organising your holiday. Start by listing down all the essentials that you can’t travel without such as sanitizers, toys and appropriate clothing. 

After that, you can think about packing any extra comforts that will make the journey and vacation easier. Remember, depending on your destination, you will often be able to pick up any baby-related items like nappies from local supermarkets, so research the area in advance to see where you can save some suitcase space. 

Respect the elements 

Outdoor holidays provide endless opportunities for exploration, but there are just as many potential dangers associated with this style of travel that you need to consider – especially if you’re taking care of an infant. Ignoring them can not only ruin your holiday, but could even cause health complications for you or your baby after you return home, so it’s important to always make safety your top priority. 

If you’re going to be exposed to the elements for any length of time, make sure you have taken the necessary precautions. For instance, if you expect the weather to be warm and dry, make sure your infant’s skin is protected from the sun, with the appropriate clothing and sun lotion. Whenever you’re in and around water, be sure to keep your infant within your grasp, and avoid swimming in the sea whenever it’s windy or the conditions make it potentially unsafe to do so. 

Plan something for yourself 

While you will be eager for your child to get the most out of their vacation time, it’s important you can enjoy it as well. If you're lucky enough to be travelling with another adult, make sure you plan activities for yourself. After all, you're always setting an example for kids. It's good for them to see you enjoying yourself or trying a new hobby. Whether that’s a rock climbing experience or taking a kayak around the coast, there are plenty of opportunities to get out and explore what the world has to offer! 

Adventure together

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